Is AI Music Art if I Write the Lyrics? Exploring Creativity in the Digital Age


For me, art is all about the creative process of taking the seed of an idea from within your mind and creating something original from it. The magic of art is that you can create something that never existed before. I liken it to giving birth to an idea. So, what if you create music using AI—is that art? After all, AI is a large language model that has been used to sample all forms of music to generate something new and original. Is this still art if it has used other music to create new music? 

If we explore the human process of creating art, we find that people mostly draw inspiration from something they see, feel, hear or smell. In the case of music, it can often be from other music. How many times have you listened to a song and said, “Oh, that reminds me of that song I heard back then”? So quite often, music is a reference to other music, just as AI references what it creates to music that has come before. In a way, Ai is imitating the human mind. 

Exploring AI-Generated Music

Writing songs has been something I have enjoyed doing since I was in my teens. I was drawn to the power of music as a form of expression and relaxation. I am an average guitarist and a rather poor singer. I use Logic Pro to create songs just for fun, something that often surprises people – why would you do something just for fun? I am as enchanted today as I was when I first started creating music in the magic of giving birth to an idea, no matter how good or bad it is.   

Lately, I’ve been experimenting with using artificial intelligence to create music. I write the lyrics, do all the prompting, and the AI creates the music that I am looking for. The process involves having a certain level of patience and a clear sense of what I am trying to communicate, taking into account the song’s genre, mood, and tone. Then, as an AI engineer, I build a song from a verse or the chorus. In some ways, it’s similar to writing music with a band at your disposal, except you are less likely to argue with Ai. The process suits me because I like to get my way when it comes to music.

Where I’m conflicted, however, is whether the songs I have created with AI truly constitute art. I wrote the lyrics, but I did not create the music – or did I? One thing I know for sure is that I did not play an instrument, which is something you usually do when creating a song. So, is AI a new branch of music that is art but in a different form? You don’t have to be able to play a musical instrument to create a song with AI. However, having a good sense of music, a good feel for music, and the ability to write lyrics does make a difference. I don’t, however, think that prompting an AI to write a song and expecting it to generate the lyrics and music is art – or is it? I do not see art as a random process disconnected from human emotion. However, when you write the lyrics and build a song, constructing it from your own view, this surely is an art form. It’s just a different way of creating music. Some may disagree, but one thing is for sure – AI music is here to stay..  

It is hard to deny the quality that has come out of AI is music. I like the songs. I enjoy listening to them, and I have created about 10 of them myself with the assistance of Udio Ai. I write the lyrics and then prompt the AI to produce the sound and feel I am looking for. I think it does a pretty amazing job. The scary thing is that this AI is relatively new, only two or three months old. Imagine what it will be like in two or three years.

The Art Debate: Human Creativity vs. AI

So, is Ai music art if I write the lyrics? Here’s the crux of the debate. On one hand, the creative spark—the idea, the theme, the lyrics—originates from the human mind. The Ai, meanwhile, serves as a tool, like an instrument played by the musician’s hands. I liken it to a band in a box, but only in this instance is it an AI band I have at my disposal. This generative aspect of AI challenges traditional notions of authorship and creativity. 

Ultimately, art is about expression and connection. If the music resonates with people, evokes emotions, and communicates ideas, it fulfils the fundamental purpose of art. The method and tools used to create it might evolve, but the essence of art remains unchanged. So yes, AI music, with your lyrics, can indeed be considered art—a new form of collaborative creation between human creativity and machine intelligence.

What About Copyright?

The advent of AI-generated music also raises interesting questions about copyright. Who actually owns the rights to a song created with the help of AI? Is it the person who provides the lyrics and creative direction, or does the AI, as a tool, have any claim? Current copyright laws primarily recognise human authorship. Therefore, in the case of AI music, the human contributor—the one who writes the lyrics and guides the AI—is typically considered the copyright owner. However, as AI continues to evolve, this could become a more complex legal territory. For now, ensuring you have clear terms and understanding when using AI tools for creative purposes is essential.

If you’re interested in exploring AI-generated music, I highly recommend checking out Udio AI @ https://udio.aifor your music creation needs. Udio AI offers a range of tools to help you experiment and create your own AI-generated music, making the creative process smooth and enjoyable. By using this link, you’ll not only get access to an incredible AI tool, but you’ll also be supporting my work. Explore Udio AI now @

The Joy of Human Collaboration

While there’s a certain pleasure in writing songs with the support of Ai, nothing quite replaces hanging out with a group of mates and building a song from scratch. The feeling of actually playing an instrument yourself, in harmony with your friends, is something special. It’s actually quite boring creating music with Ai. Writing is a much better process with your mates. The spontaneous moments of creativity, the laughter, the shared triumphs, and even the occasional disagreements—all contribute to a uniquely human experience that no AI can ever replicate. So, while AI might be able to create great music, it can never replace the joy and camaraderie of making music with your friends and playing it together.

Below are the links to songs I have created using Udio Ai. The credits are as follows until I get advised otherwise.

Lyrics written by Alan Swan 

AI Music Engineer: Alan Swan 

Music by Udio AI

SongUdio Link
Memory Hotel
Midnight Hour
Once was Saintly
To the Well
Tower Of Love
Waiting for Nothing
Without You

Alternatively, with just one click, you can also find these tunes on Soundcloud at

I am conflicted about AI and music creation, but one thing is undeniable: Ai music is here to stay. It will not be long before a song created by Ai will feature in the top ten songs played on commercial radio stations.  

I highly recommend you check out this brilliant YouTube video about the topic presented by a highly experienced musician. Click the link below – the presentation is mind-blowing.

Anyway, do yourself a favour and listen to some of the tracks that I have created and tell me what you think.