
Am I a good person?

Almost every day, we hear comments about someone’s character, typically referring to aspects of their goodness or lack thereof.   From birth, our upbringing aims to mould us into good people, threatening punishments for non-compliance and delivering patronizing praise for doing good deeds. Many raised in Christian households believe that heaven’s gates are open only to

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How to Love a Ghost

In our minds, we often encounter ghosts. I am not talking about the scary images we meet in corridors at midnight, but rather the intangible presence of past loves lost opportunities, or unfulfilled dreams. These are the ghosts of ‘what could have been’ or ‘what once was.’ Often, we demonize our ghosts to rationalize why

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Making Space to Create

Artists express their creativity and imagination through a variety of art forms to communicate ideas or unique perspectives. Their primary motivation for creation is intrinsic, and when they are not creating, they often feel disconnected from themselves. To create, artists crave alone time as is a crucial catalyst for their creative process and personal well-being.   Why

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