Living Authentically Through Your Values

The “authentic self” concept refers to the idea that we have an innate, true, or core identity that reflects our true nature and values. 

Being genuine or authentic involves living by following one’s own beliefs, values, and interests rather than conforming to societal expectations or external pressures. 

This idea is, however, easier said than done. In the madness of Western daily life, losing touch with aspects of our true selves is easy. It’s an everyday struggle I’ve personally faced throughout my adult life. 

The demands of the modern world often overshadow our values, pushing us to compromise the essential aspects of our authenticity for societal approval or material success. 

Deviation from a life aligned with our values can result in emotional unease, anxiety, and frustration. Achievements lack meaning when they don’t align with our beliefs, eroding our sense of identity and self-worth over time. Recognizing this misalignment is the first step toward reclaiming purpose and moving towards a more genuine, fulfilling life. 

Balancing personal and professional lives is a common dilemma. In the competitive world of work, putting on a mask to conform can negatively impact mental health and well-being. 

Embarking on a transformative journey demands self-reflection, resilience, and support. 

The path to nurturing a life aligned with your values is not easy. To set you on the path, here are some suggested steps. 

Identify Your Core Values 

Reflect on what truly matters to you, whether it’s honesty, kindness, sustainability, family, health and well-being or personal growth. In this process, you must be honest and remember that no person is an island. We live as part of a society. Ideally, our values should reflect those contributing to greater harmony between all peoples. 

Audit Your Current Lifestyle

Auditing your lifestyle means assessing your current habits and choices to identify whether they align with your values. This self-awareness is vital for positive change. Activities that do not align with your values are the ones you might consider modifying on the journey to living authentically. Keep in mind that how we act reflects what we value. Start by asking yourself if you are doing anything that makes you uncomfortable. There is a good chance that it does not align with your values. For example, maybe you identified environmental sustainability as a core value but do not embed practices in your daily life to minimize your carbon footprint. 

Set Some Realistic Goals

Having completed an audit of your values and lifestyle, you must now go about setting goals for improvement. You must define specific, actionable life goals that guide you towards living an authentic life aligned with your values. Goals need actions; otherwise, they are just ideals. Start small and gradually incorporate these actions into daily life for direction and purpose. Maybe instead of driving a massive four-wheel drive to work daily, you will use the train twice a week. 

Simplify Your Life 

There is a business pandemic sweeping the Western world. It is almost a badge of honour to describe how busy you are with others. An active, cluttered life often means less space or time for self-reflection and greater chances of putting aside authentic living for another day. I, for one, keep delaying aligning my actions with my values. By eliminating distractions, you give yourself space to better focus on your life, the activities you engage in, and the extent to which they align with your values. Prioritize Relationships Ideally, you should surround yourself with people who share or respect your values. They don’t have to be like you, but they should appreciate what is important to you and not criticize your choices or try to push you to live their way. Meaningful connections offer emotional support and challenge thinking, fostering personal growth. 

Practice Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is a term that is thrown around quite often as the answer to many things. However, using it loosely without understanding what it means or requires renders it meaningless. To me, mindfulness implies conscious awareness. Cultivating self-awareness through meditation and yoga can help you be more mindful in your everyday living and lead to making conscious choices in line with values. Small, conscious choices create a significant impact over time. 

Engage in continuous learning 

Changing behaviour is a learning journey. Keeping informed about issues related to your values may assist you in making decisions about what actions to take to strengthen alignment with your values. We become empowered to make informed decisions and carry out purposeful actions through knowledge. 

Practice Gratitude 

Practising gratitude might sound a bit fluffy, but it is essential. Feeling and expressing gratitude for those things that align with your values is an excellent way to embed positive thinking into your life. Gratitude reinforces positive behaviour and encourages the continuation of the authentic journey. 

Living in harmony with values is a continual process, not a final destination. It’s about progress, not perfection. Be patient, celebrate achievements, no matter how small, and embrace the unique and transformative path leading to a life reflecting the authentic self.