Staying Relevant

To some, there are only three phases in life: phase one is becoming relevant, phase two is being relevant, and phase three is becoming irrelevant. What phase are you in, and how can you ensure that you are blessed to feel relevant every day throughout life?

Recently, I quit full-time work and was excited about having time to follow my passions. However, an offhand comment from a work colleague stopped me in my tracks.   Upon hearing that I was about to stop working, they suggested I would cease being relevant. I understood what they meant. Even though I oppose the idea that our job should determine our relevance, work has defined my existence for a long time. It affected what I wore and how I behaved and provided an answer to the question what do you do?   

Recently, I had a moment of feeling insignificant when filling out an immigration form. Faced with the question, ” What is your employment? ” I was forced to confront a new reality: I no longer had a job. At that point, I knew I must reinvent myself to feel relevant. I wrote in the form that I was a musician rather than a retiree. If I were going to be defined by my employment, it would be better to be something extraordinary.   

Faced with my greatest challenge, redefining my relevance, I began to confront existentialist questions about the relevance of self. Are we ever relevant anyway, and if we are, what defines our relevance? In the grand scheme of things, we are moments of life in a massive expanding universe at a specific time. Thinking like this, however, can lead one down a rabbit hole of blackness and despair, so let’s avoid that conversation and try to deal with what relevance means. 

What does it mean to stay relevant?

The concept of relevance in life is a deeply personal and subjective experience, often revolving around a sense of significance, purpose, and connection to the world. This sentiment can be particularly poignant for individuals transitioning from traditional employment. For many, staying relevant post-work takes on new dimensions necessary for achieving a rich and fulfilling life.

At its core, relevance is about having meaning and purpose. It can come from personal goals, values, relationships, or some positive contribution you make to the world. A sense of direction is what gives a feeling of relevance. Social connections play a crucial role through family, friends, or community. They can provide a sense of being valued, leading to a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment.

Living in alignment with core values, engaging in passions, expressing one’s authentic self, and occasionally receiving recognition for efforts all contribute to the feeling of relevance. Furthermore, a balanced life focusing on well-being forms an essential foundation for feeling relevant. For me, relevance is about connection to people that matter the most and being true to my authentic self. 

What do we need to feel relevant?

The list below is not exhaustive. It describes some things that will help you feel more connected and relevant.

Personal Fulfilment

Relevance in life is often tied to personal fulfilment and happiness. Fulfilment can come from doing things that matter to you.  

Contribution to Others

Many people find a sense of relevance by contributing to others, whether it’s through volunteering, mentoring, or supporting family and friends. Making a positive impact on the lives of others can provide a deep sense of purpose.

Continuous Learning

Staying intellectually engaged and learning new things can contribute to a sense of relevance. There is nothing worse than feeling completely out of touch. 

Health and Well-being

Physical and mental well-being are crucial in feeling relevant. Taking care of your physical and emotional health can improve your overall quality of life and sense of purpose.

Connection and Relationships

Maintaining and nurturing relationships with family and friends is essential. Social connections provide support, companionship, and a sense of belonging, all contributing to a meaningful life.

Setting Personal Goals

Even in retirement, setting personal goals, whether big or small, can provide direction and a sense of achievement. These goals can be related to learning something new, travelling, growing personally, or many other important aspects of life.

It’s essential to recognise that relevance is a personal and evolving concept. What brings meaning to one person’s life may not necessarily do the same for another. Take the time to reflect on your values, interests, and aspirations, and consider how you can align your post-retirement life with these elements to create a sense of relevance and fulfilment.

Do a Feeling Relevant Audit

I have developed a simple self-reflection survey to assist people in reflecting on various aspects of their lives associated with feelings of relevance. The survey results offer no magical score or formula that instantly tells you how relevant you’re feeling. Instead, the self-reflection survey assists you in identifying areas where you may not be paying enough attention and becoming more self-aware. 

While reflecting on your feeling of relevance, remember that feeling relevant is subjective, so some things won’t matter to one person as much as they matter to another. In other words, what I need to feel relevant may be different from what someone else feels to feel relevant. People who value their work highly must stay gainfully employed to feel relevant. Other people might value recreational time or health and well-being, so they want to invest more in those areas to feel relevant.  

A copy of a self-reflection survey is located at 9

Tips to increase feelings of relevance

Here are some practical suggestions to help you stay relevant

Learn something new

Fundamental to staying relevant is a commitment to lifelong learning. The skills and knowledge that were once sufficient often become outdated over time. Make learning a habit, whether it’s through formal education, online courses, workshops, or self-directed study. Keeping your mind active contributes to personal growth and relevance. Stay open to explore new ideas and concepts. 

Network and Collaborate 

While it may sound contrived, connect with like-minded individuals in your community or through online platforms. Networking can expose you to new ideas, opportunities, and collaborations that contribute to your sense of relevance. Attend industry events, join online communities, and actively engage with peers. Collaboration with others can provide fresh perspectives, open doors to new opportunities, and keep you informed about industry developments. Surround yourself with diverse individuals who can contribute to your growth. Stay away from people who restrict your growth. 

Brand yourself

This sounds like something you would do to livestock, but personal branding is more important than ever in today’s interconnected world. Create an online presence to showcase your skills, achievements, and expertise. Update your profile regularly to demonstrate ongoing reflection and engagement with your pursuits.  

Explore New Hobbies

Use your free time to explore hobbies or activities you’ve always enjoyed. Whether painting, gardening, photography, or learning a musical instrument, engaging in activities you love can bring joy and a sense of purpose.

Do volunteer Work

Consider volunteering for causes or organisations that resonate with you. Contributing your time and skills to helping others can be immensely fulfilling and provide a strong sense of relevance.

Stay Socially Connected

Maintain relationships with family and friends. Social connections are crucial for emotional well-being, and being an active part of a social network can provide a sense of belonging and purpose.

Set Personal Goals

Establishing personal goals can give you direction and motivation. Maybe you want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Set a goal and work towards it. Goals can be related to fitness, learning new skills, travel, or any other area of personal interest. Break them down into achievable steps to make progress. Achieving these kinds of goals can lead to an enormous sense of gratification or realisation.


Share your knowledge and experience with others informally or through formal mentoring programs. Your insights can be valuable to those pursuing similar interests in earlier career stages.

Travel and Explore

If you enjoy travel, use your retirement to explore new places and cultures. Experiencing new things can broaden your perspective and add richness to your life.

Focus on health and fitness.

Prioritise your physical and mental well-being. Exercise regularly, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and consider activities like yoga or meditation to promote overall wellness.

Document Your wisdom

We all have some wisdom to share with others. Consider writing a blog or memoir or contributing to local publications. Share your life experiences, lessons learned, and insights. Your wisdom can inspire others and leave a lasting legacy.

Remember that relevance is a personal and evolving concept. Regular self-reflection and an openness to new experiences can help you pursue what matters to you in any phase of life.


In summary, feeling relevant is about having an inner sense of purpose that comes from contributing to something, be it a cause, an art form, or oneself. 

Staying relevant is an ongoing process. It requires a proactive and adaptive mindset that embraces change, is committed to continuous learning, and cultivates a network of supportive individuals. By staying tech-savvy, flexible, and focused on personal branding, you’ll position yourself for success in a world that never stops evolving. Remember, relevance is not a destination but a continuous growth and adaptation journey.

If all else fails, be a cat. Cats don t give a fuck about relevance.

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7 months ago

Meowing 🐈‍⬛